All Sick to Death! World Premiere Events

Join New Orleans filmmaker, Maggie Hadleigh-West at the World Premiere of Sick to Death!  at the New Orleans Film Festival.  In Sick to Death!  Maggie brazenly uncovers the medical corruption and negligence that obscures almost all medical practices in a call-to-action to change the medical system. Save the dates for the following events: (more…)

Sick to Death! Free Thyroid/Medical Corruption Panel

Sick to Death of Medical Corruption?

Join this 2 hour discussion with director, Maggie Hadleigh-West and the medical luminaries associated with her film project, Sick to Death!


Second screening of Sick to Death! added to the New Orleans Film Fest lineup

We’re so excited that more peeps are going to have a chance to see Sick to Death! In addition to the World Premier screening of Sick to Death! on Saturday, October 14th at 6:30 PM at the Broad Theater, The New Orleans Film Festival has scheduled a second screening on Wednesday, October 18th at 6:00 PM at The Ace Hotel New Orleans. The Ace Hotel serves as a Festival hub.

Please save the date for one or both of the screenings. A variety of passes are now available for purchase online the New Orleans Film Festival Website including an affordable Six Films Pass.  Online individual ticket sales will open near or on October 4th.

Save the Date People!

Saturday, October 14, 2017 6:30 pm Sick to Death!’s World Premier screening at the Broad Theater in Mid City in New Orleans, LA. Come on out and celebrate the premier with the New Orleans Film Festival. Five years in the struggle to help us all.

World Premiere 2017!!!

Sick to Death!’s World Premier will be at the New Orleans Film Festival October 11-17th 2017! Please check back for screening dates or contact the New Orleans Film Festival directly. Whoooohoooo! So exciting.

Player Hating: A Love Story (Reviews Trailer)