We’re excited to announce Sick to Death! has upcoming screenings in Philadelphia, New York and New Orleans. Maggie will be in attendance and will screen two of her other acclaimed social-issue documentaries while touring with the film. PHILADELPHIA The Women’s Film...

Save the Date People!

Saturday, October 14, 2017 6:30 pm Sick to Death!’s World Premier screening at the Broad Theater in Mid City in New Orleans, LA. Come on out and celebrate the premier with the New Orleans Film Festival. Five years in the struggle to help us all.

World Premiere 2017!!!

Sick to Death!’s World Premier will be at the New Orleans Film Festival October 11-17th 2017! Please check back for screening dates or contact the New Orleans Film Festival directly. Whoooohoooo! So exciting....

The Making of Player Hating A Love Story

I’m A Greezie One day while I was shooting in the projects, a fire broke out on the 11th Floor of Half’s building. Suddenly, black and white firemen, cops, ambulances and EMS workers, infiltrated this all black neighborhood. They worked for hours, as smoke, flames and...

The Making of Player Hating A Love Story

Gangsta Gift I’d been shooting Half for a couple of weeks when I first met Blood Sport. We were shooting in a radio station in Crown Heights with DJ Extra Strength, when this guy walked in and my heart jump with confusion and fear. He was in his early twenties, medium...